Dissolution of Marriage | Divorce
If you are contemplating a dissolution of marriage or in the midst of one, you should hire the services of an experienced divorce attorney. The attorney can help you with the various issues of your divorce – alimony/spousal support, property division, child custody, child support, and visitation. In your consult, we explain the benefits of hiring a divorce attorney, issues to discuss with your attorney, we can also assist with links to state resources, information on collaborative law process and mediation. You can get more information by contacting Thomas Hogan Law Firm, a renowned Divorce Lawyers in California.
How to Divorce
Once you have taken the decision to file for divorce, you must understand how the process works. A divorce is essentially adversarial in nature – one spouse fighting the other. We have the resources that can help you navigate the divorce process smoothly and covers topics like no fault divorce, service of the petition, divorce mediation, alimony & child support, child custody and much more.
Dissolution of Marriage | Divorce and Property
There is more to a dissolution than just termination of the marriage. It will affect the division of property that were acquired by the spouses during the marriage. While property acquired by the spouses before the marriage will continue to remain with the respective spouses so long as it is not co-mingled, almost all of the properties and assets acquired by the spouses during the marriage will be divided in the event of a dissolution of marriage. We are experts in the area of division of property in the event of a dissolution of marriage including how divorce can affect shared debts, locating hidden assets, family home, insurance policies, etc.
Alimony | Spousal Support
Alimony is also known as spousal support. It is a payment made on a monthly basis by one spouse to the other according to a court order or as part of a dissolution of marriage/legal separation action. The objective of spousal support is to remove or reduce any unfair financial disadvantage one spouse may have to endure as a result of the dissolution of marriage. For example, a wife who has stayed at home to raise their children will suddenly need a source of income. We can answer your questions and have information about alimony; the types of alimony including lump sum and reimbursement alimony, eligibility for alimony, determining the amount of alimony, factors affect alimony and lots more.